I finally rearranged things in my workroom so I can focus more on sewing... quiltmaking to be more specific. I’ve collected fabrics over the years with this intention but always put that idea away for when
I had more time.
And I finally realized there really is no time like the present. So I am working on quilts whenever I can find a little time here and there.
I have the best little helper, ever! Jolee is very good at helping me “smooth it out” when I am layering the top, batting, and backing.
I’ve already moved things around from what you see below, but you can see I keep my design wall next to my sewing machine. The less I have to travel from design wall to machine, hopefully the less chances I have to forget what goes where when I get ready to sew it.

I will have at least 8 quilts to list by the end of the month. The sizes include baby, toddler, and lap quilts. Later, I may sell larger quilts but for now I will stick with smaller ones.
But I haven’t forsaken my smaller folk art pieces! In a few days, I will have a dozen or so Christmas trees listed! I might just have a few more goodies, too!
If you are reading this, thank you for visiting my blog. I have really missed blogging and I plan to post here more often.
Take care and God bless,
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