UPDATE / Jan.27, 11:55pm: I got my days mixed up and thought tomorow was Tuesday! So.... the giveaway is officially closed and I will draw the winner tomorrow (Wednesday, 28th) around noon. Thanks everyone for playing along and mentioning it and my etsy shop on your blogs!
Hi everyone! A little birdie told me that now would be a wonderful time for a little giveaway.
So I thought I'd offer a set of six valentine cards as the prize.
These valentines feature high resolution copies of my original paper whimsy valentine that recently sold.
Now this giveaway is a guessing game.
Last fall I happened upon this gorgeous antique sofa and fell in LOVE with it! It was more than I wanted to, or could, pay, and so I asked if they could take any less. They gave a price, but it was still more than I was hoping. I went back a few weeks later and it was still there, same price. I waited several more weeks, thinking if it was still there, maybe it was waiting to come home with me and be a part of the sitting area of my workroom ~ wishful thinking on my part! I went back and it was marked down, I made an offer, and they met me half-way.... whoo-hoooo! Thing is, I was in my car and had to ask them to hold it for me. They did, and when I had the chance to use my husband's truck, I went to the shop, loaded it, and brought it home. It fit the space perfectly and was just the right color of brown! It's a little worn, but not very much at all, has the nice springs in the seat, and a very pretty design in the old fabric. The back (behind, against the wall) is in perfect condition too!

Here's the guessing game we will play and it's really very simple.
How much did I pay for it? It's in whole dollars, no change.
And no, Jenny (aka Jennu), if you're reading this, it wasn't my usual $3.00 limit, lol!
Oh and on a side note: that's the scarf and hat (on the sofa) that I recently crocheted. I had asked about the instructions in a previous blog post. I learned on this one, got the hat a little big, and won't use 100% acrylic next time, but all in all, I think they turned out pretty!

You have a chance at 3 entries and can use the same guess each time, or 3 different guesses, as the rules describe below:
1st guess: Leave a
comment in THIS POST (the Jan.20th one), and
tell me how much you think it cost. Guess between $5 and $100. Please make sure there's a link to get in touch with you, either in your profile, or put your email address in the comment.
2nd guess: Blog on your blog about
this giveaway, linking back to this post. Let me know when you do this and I'll add your name a 2nd time.
3rd guess: Blog about
my new etsy shop that will be opening on the 24th. It's called
Simple Joys Paperie and can be found here:
www.simplejoyspaperie.etsy.com. Please include a link to the shop. There's a little graphic at the top of the sidebar if you'd like to use it. Let me know when you do this and I'll add your name a 3rd time.
edited: Before I get more entries (only 2 now) I am making a change in the drawing. I realized chances would be
very slim to guess the
exact price from $5 - $100, so I decided I would take ALL guesses and put them in the drawing. I hope this is okay with all of you. If someone guesses the exact price, I'll do something for them too!
You have 1 week to enter. I'll close at 3pm central on Tuesday, the 27th, and will announce the winner later that night, around 6 or 7pm.

This isn't a grand prize, but I thought it would be fun and hope that the winner enjoys sending out Valentines! It's also a way to meet more bloggers and visit everyone's wonderful blogs.
Thanks for reading through all this and happy blogging!
Honeysuckle Lane