I apologize for not checking in and posting since mid-February. There's been a lot happening here at Honeysuckle Lane, though it's not been the sort of happenings I'd prefer. We've had several family illnesses, and sadly, two family deaths (a grandpa and an aunt), and things are still a bit out of sorts.
I'm trying to get back on track, but creativity just isn't flowing the way it used to, and so, meager will be the offerings this month. I would like to let you know what is going on when and where, in case I don't post again till April. I do hope to be back next month refreshed and renewed along with Spring.
I have listed a few odds and ends that need a home, cordings for pillows, craft magazines, an antique French fashion print, shabby glass lamps, and even a few handmade items discounted this month. Just click on the
Junk Sale below to visit the sale page:
The 15th of the month will be a good time to shop for springtime folk art.
Be sure to visit the next 3 shops at that time for plenty of handmade items.
Click on the following banners to be taken to my page at those online markets, then click the Artist link at the bottom of that page to see the full list of artists.

Suzanne (
Pear Tree Primitives / Painter of the Past) and I will have new
portraits and
playthings of the past on March 20th. You are invited to come by for a visit to see what's new. You may visit by clicking on the photo:

And last, but not least,
The Eclectic Artisans will be having their 1st webshow of 2009 on April 4th. Our artists are busy working and creating one of a kind pieces of folk art just for this show. Click the banner below to view our homepage. Individual artist page links will be available opening day.

That's it for now...
Unless something of great interest occurs, I'll see you in April...