Some of you are tired of seeing snow... and some of you don't have or want any snow... but I ask you to please forgive me for the title of this post and indulge me for just a bit of nostalgic snowiness. :)
As a kid I LOVED winter and the snows that came with it. It may just be selective memory, but I am pretty sure we had more days of snow and bigger snows when I was a kid in the 70s. I did not love traveling in snow, however. We lived on a country side road, with a long gravel driveway. Whenever we went anywhere --- and believe me, we always went somewhere when it snowed --- at the end of the driveway, if you turned left, you immediately were going uphill and if you turned right you immediately were going downhill towards a small bridge in a curve that crossed Big Creek and that immediately went uphill and then around another curve!

So, my Dad being the adventuresome guy that he was, could not wait to go visit when it came a snow. He was a country preacher and checking on church members / friends was always an excuse to hit the snowy roads --- that, and the opportunity to tell the guys how we slid down the hill, around the curve, gassed it and fish-tailed back and forth going up the other side. You see, we never owned a 4-wheel drive vehicle. And that never deterred Daddy. He'd take his old pick-up truck where any 4-wheel drive could go.
We'd bundle up in layers and mittens and scarves and hats and boots and take off on an adventure!
There were times Mama and I got out and walked down the road a ways while Daddy drove the more treacherous (to us) part of the road. While walking, which was often at night since we went after Daddy got home from work, and if the snow was over, we enjoyed the silence of a snowy night (except for the truck, of course!). We'd look up at the sparkling, glittering sky that God had blessed us to see.
Late in the night, after visits were made and assurances that everyone had groceries in their homes, we turned toward home. When we were safely there, we took off our coats and mittens and scarves and hats and boots and layers of clothing, put on our flannel pajamas and warmed our toes by the wood stove that Daddy had just loaded with more sticks of wood... enough to last through the night.
And if, by chance, it was still snowing, and the winds were blowing, you could hear the sound of winter... calling through the white pines and hemlocks.
Our house was a little drafty, so at bedtime Mama would get a quilt and hold it over the stove to get really good and warm. Then I'd hop in the bed and she'd tuck it around me under the other covers to keep me warm.
There we were, at home, with those we loved... nothing could have been better...
...except for it to never end. ♥
I love making things that have a bit of nostalgic ambiance...
something to remind me of my childhood...
or earlier times...
when life was slower and more peaceful.
Have a blessed day!