Roger has made the cutest birdhouse! He used an old cedar log that had been down for a few years, drilled a big hole in it through the bottom, made a hole in the front, and plugged the hole in the bottom with a cedar plug. I love it! It's very natural, and unique! Click the photo to go to my etsy shop. If the birdhouse isn't there, just keep checking. I'll try to get it listed sometime tomorrow.

Suzanne (Pear Tree Primitives / Painter of the Past) and I have another offering on our Poppets, Portraits, & Playthings of the Past blog. This time we took inspiration from Izannah Walker and her sweet dolls. Be sure to visit
PPPP and let us know what you think, please!

I've listed a few more things on ebay: 2 of my paper clay dolls: Hannah and Mary, a large strawberry make-do pincushion, some pretty tin candle sconces (hearts and a pineapple), an antique sponge ware / yellow ware vase, and whatever else I come up with this week. have finished with all of my valentine orders and have everything mailed. I have to finish up a few things for Simply Primitives, The Primitive Gathering, and TDIPT Mercantile for the 15th updates, and then I will spend the remainder of the week cleaning my workroom ~ and believe me... it needs it! I did make a few more charms before I put away my soldering supplies. Just click on the photo below to see more of them.

Next week I will begin work on springtime creations. I love winter, but this mid 60 degree weather has been so nice these last few days, it has really put me in the mood to make things with rabbits and chicks and flowers!
It's 10 pm and 59 degrees. I am in my workroom and have the door to the back porch open. There's a wonderful breeze blowing, my silver windchimes are tinkling the prettiest song, and the moon is glowing up high in the sky and has a large ring surrounding it..... it's a beautiful evening!

Have a lovely, blessed week!
Honeysuckle Lane