Since the chickens have stayed in the pen all summer, Tweedle Dum stays close by the pen, pacing back and forth, usually stalking Pierre. I know what Pierre is thinking.... "Boy, you'd better be glad you're on THAT side of the fence!"
Below are photos I took of Pierre and Eowyen a while back. It was so sweet ~ he would pick little bits off a plant, lean his head down to hers, and she would get the food from his beak. He did this for several minutes. Pierre is certainly considerate of all the ladies in the chicken pen! When I take them fresh water, he stands there with them, but waits until all the girls drink before he does.

Keep those ideas coming in and post them here. I'm certainly enjoying reading them and taking notes.
I'd better get busy, I have a couple more orders to finish up and then I have something new that I'm working on. It's something that I'd wanted to try for a long time, but just never found the time. I still haven't found time ~ I just had to re-prioritize and sleep a couple hours less, lol!
Take Care & God Bless,