This summer we didn’t have the usual blackberry crop… maybe it was the lack of rain. Seems like so much shriveled up before we finally did get a good amount of rain.
My daughter sowed sunflower seeds beside the garden and a few finally came up and bloomed.
Jessica also sowed several packets of zinnia seeds. They are so pretty! Zinnias are one of my favorites, I think because my mom grew zinnias when I was a young girl.

I’m so glad we have lots of trees on our property. They provide shade for deer and are home to countless birds, squirrels, raccoons, possums.
While going through a cabinet in my workroom, I found these silk ribbons I dyed a few years back. Until I use them in my handmade pieces, they are being used as props in my photos.
And while cleaning a cabinet, I found a bottle of poppy seeds my mother-in-law gave me many, many years ago. I wonder if they will come up if I sow them this fall? Below are a few photos of the poppies. Aren’t they pretty?
I didn’t make blackberry jam this year since we have so much left from a couple years ago. Instead, I canned several jars of strained blackberries. I’ll use this for seedless blackberry dumplings.
The following photos loaded in the opposite order intended, but I’ll explain anyway.
In all the years my business has been called Honeysuckle Lane, I never really made anything with honeysuckle on it… odd, isn’t it?
So this summer, I painted honeysuckle blooms! The bouquet is what I picked when getting ready for a mini product photo shoot. But that day there were no honeysuckle vines in bloom!
I had bookmarks made from my honeysuckle painting. Can you spot them?
And my new business cards actually have a honeysuckle bloom on them!
This is the painting. I am really happy with it, so much that I am keeping it and will have a frame made for it. I have a few vintage frames to choose from. I’ll ask my son or husband to cut it down to fit.
That’s what’s been going on around here this summer.
Not to get ready for my favorite season of all… FALL! 🍂🍁🎃