Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fragments ~ a folk angel collection

Hi everyone!
I finally managed some time to make a few folk angels. It's a small collection, but at least I'm getting some work done after a dry spell.

This collection is called Fragments. While working on these angels and sifting through all the pieces of antique and vintage trims and laces... sometimes very small fragments... I thought of a passage in the Bible where Jesus had fed several thousand people with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fishes. After everyone had eaten, Jesus told the disciples to "gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." The fact that all those people were fed and there were even more leftovers that what they began with was a miracle in itself!

But for some reason what Jesus told them stayed with me. And I'll share with you what was going through my mind and heart while I worked with those fragments of laces and trims:

No matter how small or insignificant we may feel, or how broken or fragmented our lives seem to be, God loves us and wants to save us --- remember what Jesus said, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." He wants to gather us up and create a work in us that is beautiful and everlasting. Isn't that an amazing love?

So, that is why this angel collection is called Fragments. Maybe in some way, one of these angels will remind you, that no matter how small you feel at times, you are important to Him. Or maybe you can share that story and an angel with someone else that needs to know.

Visit the Fragments
folk angel collection here.

Take care and God bless, 



  1. Beautiful, Lana, and love the motivation behind these lovely angels. Let nothing be lost. Amen!

