Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day

Friday, May 23, 2008
Vintage Textiles Anyone?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Suggestions for an INSPIRATIONS board???
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I'm Still Here...

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Simple Joys ~ they just keep comin'
I have been so busy ~ does life ever slow down? I did happen to take a little time to walk around outdoors yesterday afternoon and thought I'd share a couple photos of my irises. I'll share more flowers in a few more days. I wish you could smell the one in the top photo. The sweet scent is so strong! The iris was my Mom's favorite flower. I can't help but think of her every time I see one.

- sweet corn
- pole beans (forgot the name)
- black beans
- carrots
- green bell pepper
- red bell pepper
- crimson sweet watermelon
- charleston gray watermelon
- cantaloupe
- tomatoes (2 or 3 kinds)
- cabbage
- red cabbage
- head lettuce
- cucumbers (3 kinds ~ I couldn't decide)
- cayenne pepper
- hot banana pepper
- jalapeno pepper
- potatoes
- onions
- yellow squash
- butternut squash
- okra (not planted yet ~ have to go pick up the seeds at the local produce market)
I think that's all ~ we are running out of room!
I am also working on handmade items for the Lavender Festival that is in Oak Ridge, TN on June 21st. I'll post more information later, or you may email me for more information.

I have a couple scherenschnitte papercuttings on ebay (one now and one will list at 8pm tonight). The ROSEBUD papercutting (below) is available now for $35. Email me if you're interested. If it's still available at 8pm, it will list on ebay as a BUY IT NOW. A friend of mine, Cheri, got me interested in scherenschnitte a few years ago and I did a few silhouettes but got busy with other things and set the papercuttings aside. I have decided to try it again, this time doing other designs besides portrait silhouettes and am thoroughly enjoying it!
(Rosebud is SOLD ~ thanks!)