Saturday, April 5, 2008

Giveaways and Catching Up

There's not a lot to post about here at home this weekend, so I'll send you off on a couple of giveaway adventures:

My friend, Betty, has made a beautiful little dolly and is drawing the winner's name next week. Hurry on over and enter to win! I've already asked her to put my name in the pot!

Another friend, Doreen, is giving away a few bottles of her delicious Maple Syrup and other goodies! I hope I win a bottle, but it wouldn't be nice if I didn't tell you about it to give you a chance as well.


A while back Suzanne and Lorraine both tagged me. Suzanne asked me to write my memoir in 6 words and Lorraine asked me to explain my business name.

Here are the instructions for the Memoir tag:
Post six words that sum up your life. Ernest Hemingway was bet $10.00 that he couldn't sum up his life in six words. He won that bet when he wrote, "For sale, baby shoes, never worn."

The Rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere

4. Tag five more blogs with links

5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

My response to Suzanne's tag: "Faith, family, friends: make life beautiful"
If you'd like to play along ~ consider yourself tagged.

And for Lorraine's tag: Honeysuckle Lane is the name of my business. I grew up in the country, country dirt roads and gravel roads, honeysuckle vines growing with wild abandon.... I can close my eyes and go back to days when I was a young girl, riding in the back of Daddy's old pickup truck, and smelling the honeysuckle as we drove past on our way to the river. I can imagine the walks with Mama along the edge of our yard, picking the honeysuckle blooms and letting a drop or two of sweet nectar touch my tongue. I see the pop bottle in the window where Mama proudly displayed the bouquet of honeysuckle vines and blooms that I picked for her. Honeysuckle Lane was an obvious choice for me.


  1. Lana, i love your memoir, how sweet and perfect:) and your explanation about your business name is very beautiful!

  2. Lana~ Your memoir is beautiful...and so very true. And I love how your business name came to be, what sweet memories.
    ps. I see cute feet peeking out from under a pretty dress on your sidebar...can't wait to see more!

  3. I too love your memoir .... & thanks for mentioning my give~away! :)

  4. Hi...I just wanted you to know I've been enjoying your blog and love the name Honeysuckle Lane!
    God Bless!
