Now all of you northerners, don't laugh. We got 3" - 4" of snow, but we hadn't had
any to speak of this season! I think I was as excited as all the kids that were hoping for a snow day.

There's a serene silence during a snowfall. Maybe all of nature is waiting and watching, watching as the snowflakes begin to fall, one by one, then by the thousands and even more, turning the ground to winter white.

The following morning, when the sun peeks through the trees, nature comes alive with birds singing, flitting here and there, squirrels chattering, thankful for the food they had gathered in the fall, and the blanket of snow glistening, sparkling, as if God has cast a handful of diamond dust from Heaven to bless our new morning with unspeakable beauty.
If you'd like to read a little story and see an interesting clip about my turkey, visit The Primitive Gathering blog here.