Yesterday, one of my sisters and I went out of town for the day. We went to Goodwill, Salvation Army, and a yard sale among other places. Of course, these were my favorite stops!
I hadn't found so much in one day in a long time. Some of it is for myself, and some will be used in the items I make and sell. I think it was a good amount for a good price ~ $29 for everything I'm about to list:
1. Old painted wall cabinet with mirror (LOVE the cubby holes inside!)
2. Painted and crackled bench (needs a cushion or I might get a glass top and use it for a table)
3. Ironstone sugar (I collect brown transferware and this will look nice with it even though it's not all brown and white)
4. Ironstone creamer (to match)
5. Metal flower frog (the thing you put in the bottom of a vase to hold the flowers)
6. Glass dome with wood base (I'll probably use it for one of my handmade dolls)
7. Wood boxes (2 of them to paint ~ maybe fraktur inspired birds and flowers)
8. Silver plated woven basket (to hold little strawberry emeries I make)
9. Vintage Alice in Wonderland book
10. Wooden tool carrier (perfect once I paint it and add some of my handmade *glass*glitter* white pumpkins)
11. Vintage gilt frame (the gilt has worn off in places, but that's what I like about it)
12. Wooden whimsies (4 of them ~ maybe they went on the ends of drapery poles or were screwed in the wall and used to hold the draperies back? I'll find another use though)
13. Large wooden pedestal (oh what a grand make-do pincushion this will make!)
14. Ziplock bag full of vintage and antique laces and trims. (The golden yellow cotton lace ~ 9 yards of it! ~ and sheer ruffled trim with red edging is especially pretty.)
15. Several pieces of muslin, linen, and silk. (They were rolled up in little bundles and tied with fabric strips. One had a handwritten note that said "real small pieces of fine muslin". Most of these are from old clothing. Some of the linen and muslin pieces were gathered sleeves, and the silk looks as if it's cut from a dress bodice. I'll have to use these delicate pieces for doll dresses.)
16. A Wal-Mart bag stuffed full of excelsior straw, spanish moss, raffia, vintage crepe paper, and styrofoam balls. (I'll use all of this for my handmade creations a little later. The moss and raffia will fill baskets and wooden boxes as nests for my hand made birds and glass glitter pumpkins. The balls are great to use as a base for the heads of paper clay dolls.)
And here they are......