Absolutely nothing! LOL.... I'm sorry, that was a lame joke, well, not even a joke but it had you wondering, huh?
I've been keeping the chickens in the pen lately so they don't scratch up our recently planted onions, and Tweedle Dum is getting mighty lonely. He's been to the front door, pecking, no - make that banging, again!

I don't want to hurt him, but it has gotten so that I have to carry a stick with me when I'm out in the yard just to swing once in a while so he stays a few feet away. Do you remember that he roosts at night in a big tall pine tree right in front of our porch? Well, a few evenings ago my daughter had to work a little later than usual and she got home at dark, a little while after the turkey had gone to roost. When he saw her car pull in the driveway, he flew out of the tree and ran to her car! She ran to the porch and got in before he reached her, poor thing.... my daughter, not the turkey, lol! So now we fast forward a few days... to one day this week. My husband and I were in the front yard and I was telling him that something has got to be done about that silly turkey. I was outside earlier trying to clean out a flower bed and had to quit because I spent more time shooing the turkey away and watching my back than I spent working in the flower bed! As I was telling my husband this bit of news, the turkey spotted me from across the yard and came running... my husband stepped over beside me and Tweedle Dum slowed down. He kept his distance, but stayed along side us. He keeps his eye on my daughter and me, that's for sure.
A minute or two later we hear a car coming down the road and TD starts clucking and making turkey sounds, though he didn't gobble (he does gobble when the UPS truck goes by and the driver honks the horn). When the car gets near us, the silly turkey starts clucking and flapping his huge wings and runs down the edge of the road beside the car! He was just like a dog running a car... if it hadn't been such a funny site, it would have been embarrassing. Ok, it was embarrassing too! Today is a dreary, rainy day so there's probably not much.... hang on... something's banging at the door.... LoL! You won't believe this..... TD is knocking at the door again! I can't even get away from him in bad weather! Let me go shoo him off the porch and I'll be back to write about the Frakturs and May Day.
I'm back, and the turkey is around back eating cat food, don't ask, he just likes it! Now, let me finish this post before he comes knocking again...

Some awesome online markets are updating late tonight or early in the morning. Technically they update on the 1st and 15th, but the webmasters usually update the night before so that when you check in early on the 1st and 15th, everything is ready for viewing and ordering. I will have 18th and 19th century inspired fraktur watercolors at Simply Primitives and TDIPT Mercantile. TDIPT is having a HUGE GIVEAWAY so be sure to comment on their blog to be entered. Update: Several sets of Fraktur cards have been sold as well as the original Fraktur painting below ~ thank you!

I will have 19th century style May Baskets at The Primitive Gathering. Everyone seemed to like them last year so I thought I'd get a head start on them this year. Update: Only 1 basket remains at TPG ~ thank you!

Monday, I will have something different ~ quaint diminutive baskets filled with a little frivolity to help carry on an old May Day tradition. Check back Monday here or at Honeysuckle Lane to see what they look like.
Now let me go see what Tweedle Dum is up to...
Thanks for visiting!
Take Care & God Bless,